10.11.11 33|365 Me Filed in: 365-2011 | Uncategorized « 32|365 Kitty 34|365 here kitty, kitty » Share ItTweet ItPin It read hide 5 comments Lacey - You’re SO pretty, Stace! I love this shot!!ReplyCancel heidi - This is so beautiful-you are a hot mama! 😉 Did you take this yourself?!! I am totally self portrait handicapped! You inspire me, I need to get one. I LOVE the lighting and bokeh!ReplyCancel Julie Anders - So pretty!!!ReplyCancel Jenn Jones - Gorgeous!!!ReplyCancel staceyrw - This a beautiful portrait. You are gorgeous!ReplyCancel Your email is never published or shared. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment
Lacey - You’re SO pretty, Stace! I love this shot!!
heidi - This is so beautiful-you are a hot mama! 😉 Did you take this yourself?!! I am totally self portrait handicapped! You inspire me, I need to get one.
I LOVE the lighting and bokeh!
Julie Anders - So pretty!!!
Jenn Jones - Gorgeous!!!
staceyrw - This a beautiful portrait. You are gorgeous!