Stacey, I love your new blog!!! The light in these is amazing! Love her sweet shadow too.
These pictures are so sweet and the light is really beautiful.
Love afternoon light! These look great in b&w too! Just gorgeous!
Ha ha! Love it. He is so going to hate you for that photo when he’s older but just think of the blackmail possibilities!
HA!!! My 3 y/o does this too…all the time…maybe they can talk, get through their issues together. lol
Too funny!!!
love this. and not…nothing to worry about. 😉
Hahahaha – this is too funny! I love the way he strutting his stuff! Super confident!
That is classic!!
LOL!!!! Awesome.
Love his walk!
I LOVE this shot….soooo cute!
TOO FUNNY! hang on to this…it’ll come in handy in, oh, 16 years or so 😉
Haha! If YOU have to be worried, so do I! This isn’t an uncommon sight in my house either! LOL …
LOVE his strut and personality! Real boys wear black and he is workin it- Awesome shot!
Elle - Adore <3 I love your perspective here, Stacey. And the eye contact in the first is so captivating…
Lacey - These make them look so little.