Stacey Haslem » Portraiture & Fine Art Photography


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  • Kat Stewart - l think this one should be called pure joy. Love that bed but more than that, l love how you have used it to frame this. Gorgeous.ReplyCancel

  • Lacey - Permission to jump and play on the bed! Yay!ReplyCancel

  • Celeste - She is just a doll! Look at all that happiness!ReplyCancel

  • Nance Heidemann - So many incredible images you have already captured! So cute! Your family is so beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • April Nienhuis - LOVE! Her excitement is contagious and this instantly puts me in a happy mood :)ReplyCancel


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  • Mrs. Fun - Love the details in the lashes!!!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Thompson - Stacey, I’m so happy you’ve started a 365 project. I did one last year and it was a lot of work but a lot of fun too. Your little girl is so darn cute. I love the lashes shot… she look so calm. I can only imagine that she is this still for a just a moment in time. Great capture!ReplyCancel

  • Jenn Jones - They don’t stay still long, do they?! Love the light here. What a sweet face!ReplyCancel


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  • Kat Stewart - This is so cute and she looks so tall!
    What colour are your walls? I’m trying to work out how you did this. What did you expose for here? Leah?

  • Mrs. Fun - Love these so much!! You should try to do this once a year and watch her grow.ReplyCancel

  • ShannonJoy - Oh my heavens! Absolutely LOVE the story these images tell. The pigtails! LOVE the pigtails!ReplyCancel

  • Jenn Jones - I agree with Mrs. Fun above… you should do this once a year… that would be really neat. These are gorgeous, Stacey. I love her little wave. My 3-year-old isn’t this sweet when one of us try to leave the house without her. Maybe I should try to capture that… it would be hysterical!ReplyCancel