Stacey Haslem » Portraiture & Fine Art Photography

This last holiday weekend we ventured over to Monterey. Last minute I decided I would try get a family picture while we were there and packed my tripod and remote. However, the pictures didn’t go as planned. First, my remote didn’t work. Secondly, it was windy and cold. So I set the timer on my camera, clicked, and ran next to my family. I’m sure any onlookers were laughing hysterically. (Un)fortunately, I only ran back and forth five times before my kids were done.

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  • Whitney - Yay! I’m excited to see what pictures you’ll post each day!ReplyCancel

  • gigi - I’m so excited to follow your 365 Stacey – this is one of the most adorable mermaids I have ever seen! Love them all but especially #2.ReplyCancel

  • Ashleigh - WOOOOHOOOO! Your 365 will be amazing!ReplyCancel

  • Lacey - Yay for a 365!! I hope this will be a great experience for you, Stacey!ReplyCancel

  • staceyrw - I am also really excited to follow your 365! This is going to be great! I love your first day – little mermaid. She is so cute. They are all great for their own reasons, but I am really drawn to the first and last. Maybe it is her little hand gently sticking out of the water. It seems to add to the illusion of her being a mermaid; in and out of the water.ReplyCancel

  • Tonya - So sweet. Nice job!ReplyCancel

  • April Nienhuis - I love these Stacey! Her hair floating all around is perfect <3ReplyCancel


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  • Krisanne - Just gorgeous. Love this.ReplyCancel

  • Whitney - On a non related photography note, I think I would love to have Leah’s outfit in my size!!! Beautiful picture as always Stacey!ReplyCancel

  • staceyrw - I am really curious when you took this photograph. I am guessing it was in the evening…but for some reason this photo conveys early morning to me. Maybe it is because the background appears foggy which I think really adds a dimension. But either way – love this one!ReplyCancel






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  • Kristen - That’s funny, I think I do too much tight shooting! Lol. I need to do the opposite version of this post! Love these, gorgeous as always!ReplyCancel

  • Ashleigh - Oh my goodness! That first one might be my favorite ever! Beautiful Stacey!
    p.s. I’m still on the camera hunt, but I’m going to try out those bags you told me about!ReplyCancel

  • Lacey - I’m totally a ‘tight’ shooter. 😉 These are beautiful, Stacey!ReplyCancel