Leah has boycotted her high chair. We also found out that she loved chow mien noodles.

I don’t want to go into all the details but Leah has a new fascination with her diapers that warranted a wardrobe change. At first I wanted to fight it because after three boys who only like t-shirts and jeans, I enjoy dressing up my little girl. This week I gave in, went to Target, bought onesies, and then made the best of it all! I have never been a huge fan of leg warmers, but now I love them. What is cuter than a onesie, leg warmers and pigtails?
Stacey, it is SO good to see your photography again! These are divine, I love your light and composition. Putting her in a onesie with leg warmers is super adorable and those pigtails are to.die.for cute! She looks so happy, great job!!!
Ah, she is so cute! The onesie/legwarmer combo is adorable.
Love these photos, especially the last two.
These are just precious–she’s just exuberant!!!!
So fun! This lil cutie had a blast and then a lolli at the end! Fantastic shots~!
I love the baby legs! And I LOVE the pigtails! She is such a doll!
She is a DOLL Stacey!! The onsies & legwarmers are so cute!
Adorable! I love your blog too!!!
I love this series and the light in this room. I am jealous of the open space with great light. Beautiful girl with such a great personality.
Love so many of these, but partic love the lollipop captures.
I love the emotion in these, I can hear her sweet giggle!!! Such a sweet face and the lighting, is awesome! Nice work Stacey, as usual!
My now-4-y.o. sometimes breaks out an old pair that used to cover up to her chubby little thighs, but now they stop short of her knees –waahhh!
Stacey I am in love with these pictures! She is adorable and I love the onesie/leg warmer combo! Just perfect!!
We just finished our final camping trip of the summer. Although the amount of crap we have to bring for one night never ceases to amaze me, we had a ton of fun. The boys were boys-hunting for frogs, snakes and any other critters that were around. The frogs were plentiful and they even managed to catch a snake. Yay, now we have even more critters around the house (note my heavy sarcasm!). While the boys were doing their thing, I chased Leah around like usual with my camera. I can roll up my sleeves and get down in the dirt with my boys, but I have to say I LOVE following this girl around with a camera. My only regret is that I didn’t get any pictures of all the creepy crawlies. Next time.
Stacey?! Last silhouette?? Love! The light in the last 2 pics of Leah is just gorgeous too.
She is soooo cute. I love your photos especially the the last two. Did you use OCC with those?
The silhouettes are especially stunning! SO beautiful!
Holy Moly..these are gorgeous!! Especially that last one!! A beautiful silhouette.
oh my heck, all that work was worth it for those pics! Fabulous!!
in love with these stacie
What a great set – but those silhouettes are sublime… wow.
Loving these! I love the black and white one with Leah lifting up her shirt / touching her belly! And of course the last two silhouettes are amazing – love the color. And look at her grin from ear to ear on the rock wall.
Its been a busy and fun summer. And I am so behind on sharing how our summer was spent. Half the images I have are still sitting on a memory card-that rarely happens. All the summer fun has left me exhausted during a busy start to the school year. Until I catch up and get into a good routine, here is a peek at our summer fun. While the boys rode the big rides at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, I chased around this adorable little girl. Loved it!
This isn’t the first time she’s tried sand. How many times does it take to realize that it just doesn’t taste good?
hahaha … nope sand doesn’t taste good, and neither does dirt (ask Kaden … yet, he seems to forget everyday!).
Adorable photos, Stacey!