Stacey Haslem » Portraiture & Fine Art Photography

Here are three out of four of my little bobble heads. The fourth wasn’t to keen on being mommy’s little bobble head. Maybe another day.

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  • Katrina - Beautiful – look at your girl’s big, brown eyes. Love the angle you used for taking the pictures.ReplyCancel

  • heidi - LOVEY the bobble heads! One of my fave comps. :)ReplyCancel

  • Lacey - Are you LOVING your 35?? :) Bobbleheads are so fun, and I’ve taken a number with mine!ReplyCancel

I love my place behind the lens. When I am asked to take pictures of others and I see someone squirming or turning a head, I relate. In that moment, I am glad I am the one with camera in hand. As a photographer though, I have learned that the squirming and head turns usually aren’t flattering. If you are going to get your picture taken, you might as well make the best of it. Easier said than done.

I network with a lot of other photographers. Lately, we have been discussing how most of our families appear ‘mommy-less’ in our images which are our preserved memories. One afternoon I decided to take the time to get behind the camera. I set my camera on a stack of books to capture me and Leah’s daily rolling on the floor full of tickling. Now, I can look at these and find all the things I don’t like, but I know when Leah sees these as an adult she will not see all my imperfections in me that I see. And when I look at them when she is an adult I will remember what a sweet little girl she is and how much joy she brings me! Worth it.

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  • Ali C - These are so wonderful! They are a true treasure!ReplyCancel

  • misty - Stacey this are just beautiful. I love what you wrote as well. Your daughter will treasure these. :)ReplyCancel

  • misty - Clearly I meant to write these not this. I should probably go to bed. 😉ReplyCancel

  • Holly Thompson - Stacey, I LOVE these images… so natural and playful. Good for you! She will treasure these so much when she is older. You look marvelous, darling!ReplyCancel

  • Codi - these are beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Alli - Love these! I keep telling myself I will do this soon with my son. Love the b&w too!ReplyCancel

  • heidi - I love these!!! The expression, connection, perspective. Just beautiful. :)ReplyCancel

  • pamela - LOVE these shots and I really have to do this.ReplyCancel

  • Christina - I love these! I hardly ever get good pictures of my son and I, especially since my husband is on a deployment. I think I may give this a try soon.ReplyCancel

Warning: these are just snaps, Leah and I playing on the couch, grabbing my camera and shooting away in a matter of seconds. Even though I didn’t spend the time looking for a less distracting background or better lighting, never mind the lens distortion, I still LOVE them. She is so darn goofy. I love her tongue sticking out, the raised eyebrows, and those little teeth beneath the smile-all within a couple of minutes. And I just couldn’t keep these to myself.  Ahhh, she’s my little girl…forever.

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  • heidi - Okay, first, love the tree wall, it makes this picture just really amazing!!! Oh, we love books too, and I LOVE it when my little ones get giddy with their books. So so so cute.ReplyCancel

  • Lacey - OOH, Stacey! Were these with your 28mm?? I love the look of this wide angle! Very cool. :)ReplyCancel

  • Ali C - I love the pile of books and her placement at the foot of the tree. She looks so joyful!ReplyCancel

  • melody - Love these pictures…my youngest loves his “boooos”. I love how you captured her in these pictures….ReplyCancel

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  • liza - stacey..these are great! i have loved seeing your stuff on fb! (ps…..we took ryc 201 together!)ReplyCancel

  • Christy - So sweet! I just posted pics of my baby doing the same thing. Its way to hot to take her outside. :(ReplyCancel

  • heidi - These are so great!!! Love the light/shadows and baby bum, lol!ReplyCancel

  • Julie Anders - Stacey, I love this. This one of the images from class that stuck with me :) Such a great example of lines and light along with subject!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Thompson - That first image should be a book cover or something. It is that brilliant!!! Love these, Stacey. LOVE.ReplyCancel

  • Jenn Jones - Pretty freakin’ amazing, Stacey! Love it! Love the shadows, love the lines, light, chubby rolls on the legs, and the belly poking out! My goodness!ReplyCancel

  • staceyrw - I love the sense of scale to these photographs…I love how you were able to achieve this from inside your home – amazing!ReplyCancel

  • Mrs. Fun - I love these!!! So much!! The light, the conversion, fantastic!!!ReplyCancel

  • Ali C - I love the light and shadows in these!ReplyCancel

  • Kayo - Yeah that’s what I’m tkailng about baby–nice work!ReplyCancel