In the middle of the one of the many trips to pick up and drop off kids during the day I looked into my side mirror and saw “stop” in the mirror. It reminded me of my kids. I have four kids and three of them have different school schedules right now-its always go, go, go. Drop one off here, pick up there, time to put Leah for nap, wake Leah to pick up so and so… I’m sure most of you can relate! BUT ‘stop’ written on the road grabbed me. It made me think ‘stop and PLAY!’ I can’t change their school schedules, but I can wait to do the dishes for a little while, I can edit pictures later, and the laundry isn’t going anywhere. My kids, they are a different story. They are going to grow and get older whether I stop or not. Its up to me to make my time with them count. So I took these images to hang in my home to remind me to ‘stop!’ and play! Don’t they look like fun playmates?!?!

Cassandra - I love it!!!!!
Laurie - Just found your blog in the “Non-business” Blog Love thread. And this is such a great idea! I love the color and the B&W. And you are totally right, whether we stop to appreciate our little ones or not, they keep on growing up!
Deanna - These are super cute!
April Nienhuis - I LOVE these pictures Stacey! The joy on their faces is priceless.