Stacey Haslem » Portraiture & Fine Art Photography

This little one was just perfect! In fact, I really can’t remember him making a peep! Look at those perfect little lips. They seriously are screaming to be kissed, but since I am only the photographer I will keep my lips to myself-he he. Now, take a look at his older sister. She is simply stunning. Dad better start preparing now for those teenage years. He is going to have a lot boys knocking at their door. Thanks mom for letting me enjoy your little ones!

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Many of you know that I participated in a crazy fun scavenger hunt over the summer. It was not your typical scavenger hunt. It was a month long. My list had probably 200-300 items that I was supposed to take pictures of. Then there were a few videos that amazing friends helped me capture. In July all of our family outings rotated around what I needed crossed off the list. We went to a reptile museum, visited the county fair, and even went to the San Diego Zoo while visiting family. One thing I needed a picture of was a covered bridge. My first thought was those metal ones similar to the one by the State Capital Building (which was also on my list) in Sacramento. Well, in this scavenger hunt they have very specific items in mind. My covered bridge in Sacramento wasn’t going to make the cut, I needed a wood one. A friend told me there was one at Knights Ferry. It is a gem! Although I didn’t place in the top ten of the scavenger hunt and didn’t win one single thing, I have a computer full of fun images. And the boys loved it because they got to eat things like cotton candy, rootbeer floats, and a triple scoop ice cream cone (all three of those things were on the list). This is one of my favorite images of the whole experience. I love the architecture of the bridge. I love how Bryce is just a little bit leaned to the side. It matches his personality perfectly. I love that it shows brotherly love!

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  • tanja - LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie Lyons - LOVE it! This photo makes life seem simple!ReplyCancel

  • Liz - Love the composition! Great pic!!!ReplyCancel

  • Naomi - Just beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Life with Kaishon - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I really love this picture. Very beautiful! Congratulations on being a WINNER! I hope you have a great weekend.ReplyCancel

  • Kathryn Grace Photography - I LOVE this! The bridge is fantastic and I love how it draws your eye to the silhouettes of the kids. Congrats on winning 3rd!ReplyCancel

  • Emma - I Loved this image… Well done on the capturing this siloutte… and I loved the leading lines – I’m getting more inspired to give it a try!ReplyCancel

Sweet h is just as precious as ever! I say this with every client, but I just loved photographing her. I must have the best clients ever:)She is an amazing little one with an amazing birth story. Its not really my story to tell, but let me just say that she was born at home and it wasn’t a planned home birth. Having a baby at home is my worst nightmare and most likely one of Josh’s (he’s the woozy kind). Baby h’s mom is definitely one of my heros!!! Congratulations mom and family. Sweet h is a little angel!

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I have decided I need a special place on here for my kids. Instead of just randomly posting pictures of my kids I decided to set aside Mondays for them. Coincidently, Monday nights at home are set aside for family too. Hopefully you guys won’t get sick of seeing their adorable faces and if you do you can just skip Mondays:)I know that our extended family will LOVE this. Most of our family is a day or two drive away and don’t get to see our kids often. You would think they would have tons of pictures since thats what I do, right? Um,no. My poor mom is always asking me to send pictures that I get to her months later. Sorry Mom! In the meantime, here are Leah’s first pigtails.

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  • Cassandra - What a sweetieReplyCancel

  • Whitney - Now that is CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!ReplyCancel

  • Shoko - She can’t be that big?!?! She’s a cutie!ReplyCancel

  • Kathryn - She is over the top darling as are your pictures! So, so talented!ReplyCancel

It has been awhile since I have photographed a newborn. All of sudden there are all these new mommies around me. Its funny how it seems like these things happen in spurts. I see it all the time; at church there is rarely only one woman pregnant. Usually there are three. At least that is how seems to work out in my experience. And in the last week I have had the pleasure of shooting three new little ones. Baby K was the first of the three. What a handsome little boy he is.

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