Stacey Haslem » Portraiture & Fine Art Photography

This little one is dear to me. Not just because she is the daughter of a good friend, but because of the effect she had on Josh as an infant…When Josh and I got married four children was our ‘ideal’ family. Of course, we knew nothing of being a parent at the time! Along came Austin and then Collin. This parenting thing isn’t so bad. I even told a friend that I would like to have more than four kids. Then came Bryce. Our world turned upside down. Josh could take one kid and I could take the baby. Ummm, who is going to take the third kid? We never expected that leap from two to three to be so ginormous! As time went on we started to get the hang of things. Right as we were getting settled I decided to throw a wrench into the mix. I told Josh I was ready to have one more baby. He was a lot more hesitant. He needed time to think about it. In the meantime he held this little one on Sundays at church. He’s not one to hold babies, but I would find him in the hallway with her. I think holding her is what gave him the little push he needed to agree. He hoped for a little girl. We were lucky enough to have one too! This little one is one of the sweetest little girls I have met. And she is so darn adorable!

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  • Natalie - aww! I love this little girl too! thanks stacey, what awesome pictures you took.ReplyCancel

  • Shoko - OMG! She has grown so much since we left Modesto! Has it been that long? I still think she should do modeling, Natalie. She is THAT cute! Great job as always, Stacey!ReplyCancel

  • Clair Bringhurst - These are so cute! I think I’ve found our photographer! I’ve been thinking about getting some family pics done after the baby’s born…what are your prices like?ReplyCancel

  • Cassandra - she is so adorableReplyCancel

  • Jackie - These images are striking! I would love to know what that was that you used as your backdrop if you don’t mind sharing. She is such a beautiful girl with amazing eyes!ReplyCancel

  • Nicki - she is so cute!ReplyCancel

  • Allison - What a great smile!! She is adorable!!ReplyCancel

This is little L and she is just a doll! I have been lucky enough to photograph her for almost two years. I love watching her grow. She is almost exactly a year older than my little Leah so when I see her I see what is to come. She is also like my little one in that she has three older brothers. I’m pretty sure they smother her with love just like Leah’s brothers. But how could you not smother this little cutie. I just love all of her expressions.

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  • Natalie - She is so cute!ReplyCancel

  • Cassandra - You are so amazing, such great talent :)ReplyCancel

  • Cortney - She was a face for every flower bow! Great job Stacey, again, I LOVE the coloring. You must share your secret with me.ReplyCancel

Does it seem like Leah is featured here more than her brothers? Ya, she probably is, but for good reason. She has been one of my easiest subjects. I set her down then bribe Austin, Collin or Bryce to sit on my back. I take her picture while they make her smile. Ten minutes and we are done. Now put Bryce in front of the camera…all of sudden his smile is gone and that sparkle he has in his eyes goes out. Why? I don’t know. Collin is a different story. He gives a big smile, but one of those fake ones where you can totally tell he is saying cheese. Not to mention, the gripes and complaints that come from both Austin and Collin. All of them would rather cheer their sister on. BUT, and this is a big but, Leah will no longer just sit there. She smiles, crawls away, and laughs at me!!! I pick her up, put her back, run to my camera to see her crawl away and laugh. What a fun game we have discovered, at least for Leah. My fun with the camera has reached the end of the road…I have a couple more mini sessions to share, but these are close the the end:(

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  • Donette Prows - What a cutie! You take such good pics..don’t quit! Love ya!ReplyCancel

Seriously! He is so cute! So here are a few more.

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  • jen - He looks soooo cute in these pics!! I love them! Great job Stacey!ReplyCancel

  • Whitney - Have I told you how much we LOOOOOVE these pictures, Stacey??? Well, we do! As soon as we figure out what we’re going to do with the pictures, we’re going to order them. I’ll let you know as soon as I can. Oh, I just love my little man!ReplyCancel

  • Shelby - These pictures are just precious!! What a cutie! I just wanna kiss him and squeeze him!! :)ReplyCancel

This is my nephew, little E. He is so darn cute it is ridiculous. I love his little personality. Every time I see him I have this urge to babble with him and smile and smile at him. I think he sees me as the crazy auntie! No, usually he gives me a little coy smile and then rubs his face into mom’s shoulder, knees or whatever his convenient. Its soooo cute! I just started editing his pictures, but I had to share one right away! I just keep looking at them and want to say to him in my talking to baby voice, “hi e, aren’t you just the cutest, yes you are, yes you are!” Yep, I am the crazy aunt!!! Happy First Birthday E:)

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